
On this page, I have posted photos shared Cunico family members. The branch names should be listed alphabetically.



SACHANER-CUNICO NM-Colorado, Bruna Cellere, Giorgio Cunico, Crist Cunico, Marina Striolo, Cleuza Cunico, Claire Lucia Cunico, Jane Aparecida, Dennis Keizer, Jean-Robert, Vicki Andreotti, Dorothy Patterson, Dario Cunico, Karylyn Petrie, Mary Ann Salas, Omar Cunico, Reno Cunico, Odette Cunico, Alessandro Cunico, Andie McCarthy, Kathleen Gallagher, Antonio Modesto, Fortunato Cunico, Coreen Compton and Doreen Severin, Ezio Cunico, Paolo Cunico, Alessio Cunico, Aldo Cunico, Mary Ellen Allen, Cecilia Cunico, Peter Cunico, Renzo Cunico, Gino Cunico, Zsolt Szathmary, Erika Lovas, Judit Cunico, Julia Ann Moretti, Gabriella Pretto, Paul Cunico, Janelle Duncan, Daniele Cunico, Nicole Infanti, Claude Cunico, Gabriel Cunico, Gian Paolo Cunico, Marina Bianchi, Miche Khoury, David John Cunico, Louise Schwaegler, Brian Schwaegler, Mandie Lehman, Rick & Kathy Cunico, Ottilio Cunico, Tiffany Cunico Hanson, Mark Cunico, Carlos Alberto Creato, Angelo Cunico, Fabio Joao Cunico, Lilian Arruda, Rosanna McFarlin, Giuseppe Cunico, Gerardo Cunico, Jo Phillips, Emanuele Cunico, Maria Pia Cunico, Andrea Cunico, Bruna Cunico, Stefania Cunico, Gino Bellino, Lucrezia Marchesini, Betty Jane Cunico, Daniele Cunico, Ida Cunico, Isabelli Cunico, Mario Cunico, Iraci Cunico, John Cunico, Silvia Cunico, Lou Cunico, Lisa A. Cunico, Bruna Grotemeyer, Enrico Cunico, Ben Cunico, Vian Cunico, Katherine Jones
ANTONIO3 Sonia Cunico, Vanda Cunico, Gigliola Cunico, Luiz Arnoldo Marcondes, Tonino Cunico, Clovis Boguszewski, Marcos Antonio Cunico, Antonella Cunico Zanettini
ANTONIO4 Tony Cunico
ANTONIO6 Michele Cunico, Marie-Pierre Cunico, Raffaele Cunico, Magali Cunico
ANTONIO7 Francesca Cunico, Ilaria
DOMENICO2 Debbie Cunico, Lauzinha (Laudicéia) da Silva
GIO BATTISTA3 Gianluca Cunico - MI
GIOVANNI2 Luigi Cunico
GIUSEPPE1 Gianni Cunico, Peppino Cunico
GIUSEPPE2 Pierina Cunico
GIUSEPPE5 Louise Cunico Micaelli
JOSE1 Reinaldo Cunico, Debora Cunico, Maria Cristina Figueira
MODESTO3 Claudia Cunico, Riccardo Cunico
MISCELLANEOUS Asiago Photos, Raton Reunion, Rogazione, Adunata Alpini 2006









Cristiano Cunico Family - listed left to right below

Enos Marco Fred Cristiano Mary Andy Antonia Chris
16 Jun 1916 14 Mar 1909 23 Dec 1912 28 Aug 1877 3 Dec 1907  27 Jul 1911 22 Mar 1888 24 Feb 1914
      Florence Angeline Ann Emma  
      23 Oct 1923 Dec 1919 20 Jan 1921 17 Nov 1924  


Cristaino 1877 - Laura's Grandfather - Born 28 Aug 1877, died 12 Sep 1970 - son of Marco & Antonia Marie)
The Cunico GIRLZ - 2003 Colorado Spring meeting photo - (l to r) Roseann Marchetti Zwier (Karolyn's sister), Karolyn Sue Marchetti  Petrie, Barbara Ann Griffeth Peitz (laura sister), Laura lee Griffeth Burr, Mary Ann Cunico Salas
Karylyn's Family - Karylyn's Mom Dorothy Gossett & her Uncle Frank Gossett are in this pic (circa 1930) with a Cunico bunch.
Betty1 - Here's a pic of Betty Martinez and hubby Ern
Betty2 - front - Betty & Ern, back - Del, Gina, Debbie, Steve
Betty3 - Betty Jo and Mary Ann's father's sisters (l to r) Mary, Rena (Catterina) & Antonia (man in door is Betty's Nono - Guiseppe Francesco)
Joe Cunico # 1 - Guiseppe (Joe) by himself
Joe Cunico #2 - Seated - are Guiseppe (Joe) Cunico and wife Marcolina ( Rigoni) Cunico. Standing : Mary Rigoni, Antonia(Toni)Chapman. Mike Cunico,Catterina (Rena) Mahoney ,Eva Hargrove, Edith Rigoni, Joe Cunico Jr. (my dad) and Jennie Scott.
Joe III - Joe Cunico III
Marcolina1 - Pic shared by Betty.
Marcolina2 - Betty's notation - She was so unique in so many ways, as you can see she smoked a pipe,and hated having her picture taken. I was 36 when she went home and I still  miss her so much. She died the day before her 99th birthday, so we were very fortunate to have had her for so long.
Bill Cunico's Grandparents - Domenico Cunico and Giuseppina (Rigoni) Cunico
Domenic and Mary (Phillipich) Cunico taken in June 1982 , both were 72 years old
Domenic and Mary Family - back row Billy Gene age 38, Buddy Joe , age 44 and Bobby Lee
Domenico and Giuseppina family - Domenic, Reno, Henry & Toni
Older photo of Domenico and Giuseppina family - Mike, Henry & Angelo



The pictures below were supplied by Bruna Cellere (Montreal)

Bruna1 - (l to r) top: Cesare, Battista, Domenico, Florindo, Giuseppe, middle: Maria, Giuditta, Antonio (Bruna's Grandfather), Giovanna Bersabea Manfroi (Bruna's Grandmother), bottom: Angelo, Placidio.
Bruna2 - Domenico Cunico & Fiore Dal Santo (Bruna's parents)
Bruna3 - (l to r) Valentino, Italo, Iole Caterina, Bruna, Silvana, Clara, Laura, Fiorenza, Antonio, Girolamo
Bruna4 - The entire family!


The pictures below were supplied by Giorgio Cunico (Bruna's nephew in Italia)

Giorgio1 - (l to r) Ornella Dal Dosso, Giorgio, Cesare & Riccardo
Giorgio2 - The entire family


All photos below were furnished by Dorothy Wilson Patterson.

dorothy1 (Victoria b. 1899 - married to William Wilson - granddaughter of Marco Cunico & Maria Antonini
dorothy2 (William Billy Wilson at the arcade
dorothy3 (Victoria b. 1899 - daughter of Gaetano Fortunato & Giovanni (Nelle) Pesavento
dorothy4 (Marchelina (Margie - b. 1909) Cunico Fessler (Cunico, NM) & Victoria
dorothy5 - group photo


All photos below were furnished by Karylyn Petrie.

karylyn1 - Uncle Coonie's (Andrew) garage - 2nd Street in Raton
karylyn2 - Nonna and Karylyn
karylyn3 - Karylyn's Nona (Maria Rogigherio) 4 of 10 children (l to r) Gene, John, Maria, Della & Toni
karylyn4 - Cunico Group (back: Uncle Coonie, Uncle Ponch, Uncle John, Uncle Gene, Uncle Mike front: Aunt Della, Aunt Toni, Aunt Margie, Grandma Angie, Aunt Mary.
karylyn5 - Karylyn's Nono (Gio Batta - John)
karylyn6 - Rodighiero Family (l-r) Jennie, Dominic, Victor, Maria Cunico, Lena, Christiano
karylyn7 - Betty Ann and Mary Ann's Nono & Father
karylyn8 - Karylyn's Uncle Coonie & Aunt Pauline
karylyn9 - Maria, Dominic, Victor (Vittorio), Maria Angela Cunico, Lena & Cristiano Rodighiero
karylyn10 - Karylyn's Nonna and her Aunt Mary (Bronco Mike's wife)


Karylyn found (2) post cards in her Aunt Toni's records. They originally belonged to Karylyn's Nona,  Maria Rodigherio Cunico. They appear to be Odette's family.

postcard1 - 1st postcard - Barbara Carli's parents and her daughter?
postcard2 - 2nd postcard - with Barbaorina
postcard3 - back of 1st postcard
postcard4 - back of 2nd postcard



All photos below were furnished by Mary Ann Salas.

mary-ann1 - Cunico's Rigoni's and Zolin's (child on Joe Zolins shoulder is Mary Ann's cousin Bobby Rigoni)



All photos below were furnished by Odette Cunico (Switzerland)

odette1 - Antonio Cunico
odette2 - Barberina Carli Cunico - Antonio's wife
odette3 - Antonio Cunico
odette4 - Unknown Asiago
odette5 - Unknown Asiago
odette6 - Ermilio
odette7 - Ermilio
odette8 - Ermilio
odette9 - (l to r) Elio(w/glasses), Luca, Peggy, Enzo, Carlo, Odette



All pictures below were supplied by Alessandro Cunico

alex1 -  Alessandro's Grandfather Antonio - 1916



The pictures below were supplied by Andie McCarthy (Lockport)


Antonio Cunico Family (Antonio Cunico 23 Nov 1871)

 (L to R - Christopher, Arthur, Marie, in front of Marie is Allen, Antonio, in front of Antonio is Willard, Tony, James, Joseph)

andie1 -  (Maria & Antonio)
andie2 - (Obit for Antonio 1869)
andie3 - (Maria Forte, Andie's Grandpa Joe, & Jim Cunico)
andie4 - (Antonio, Maria, & Joe - Andie's Great Grandpa)
andie5 - (L-R, Mary Peasavento, Rina, Mr. & Mrs. Rodghiero, Antonio)
andie6 - Great Grandpa Joe Cunico at his garage
andie7 - unknown, guessing Antonio Cunico's children?
andie8 - Maria Forte Cunico
andie9 -  (f) Ann Ruth & Uncle Pete Larese, (b) Uncle John Besso & Aunt Gen Besso
andie10 - Unknown people (guessing Longhini's?), Antonia Forte Family
andie11 - Anna Besso & Joe Cunico 6 Apr 1922 (wedding)
andie12 - Ann Cunico & Joe Jr. (Great Grandma & Unca Joe)
andie13 - Uncle Joe & Me (Marie - Andie's Grandma)
andie14 - (f) Ann's bros' - George & John Besso, Dido, (b) Ann, Gen Besso, Priscilla Ann's sis'
andie15 - Peter Larese & Aunt Ruth (Ann's sister) Larese
andie16 - New Mexico - (f) John Besso,  Lizzie, George Besso, Sarah, Ann Besso
andie17 - Joe & Ann (Besso) Cunico
andie18 - Priscilla (Ann's sister) and Dido Dalvit of Trinidad, Co
andie19 - Antonio & Maria Forte Cunico
andie20 - Maria Forte Cunico, Jim & Joe (standing) in Asiago



The pictures below were supplied by Kathleen Murphy-Gallagher... formerly of Lockport, IL... now in Seminole, FL

gallagher1 -  Antonio Emilio (Anthony B.) Cunico (circa 1934-1935) - father of Mary Ann Cunico Murphy
gallagher2 - Antonio Emilio (Anthony B.) Cunico and Margaret (Mary) Muldoon - attendants Peter & Ruth Larese. The wedding ceremony for Mary Ann's parents was held 22 Jun
1935 at St. Dennis church in Lockport, IL.
gallagher3 - Antonio Cunico -
father of Mary Ann Cunico Murphy
gallagher3 - Antonio Cunico & Margaret (Mary) Muldoon - parents
of Mary Ann Cunico Murphy



Antonio Modesto Family Pictures

Antonio Modesto Cunico Family -  listed left to right below


Angeline Cunico Rigoni Antonio Nathalina Elenora Bianchi Ambrogine Cunico Gheller
  Christopher Modesto

Mary Fortunata Mairet



Christopher Modesto Family Pictures

(l to r) Barth, Tom, Chuck, Jacob Barth, Bill, Bob, Louella Barth Cunico, Christopher Frederick "Modesto" Cunico

Cunico Boys WWII PIC 1 (Barth, Tom, Chuck, Bill, Bob)
Cunico Boys WWII PIC 2 (Chuck, Barth, Tom, Bob, Bill)
charles-jean-kids (Angie, Jeff, John, Jean, LuJean,Bob)
bart-lujean (back row -Adam & Ashley, Brook & Wyatt, Desiree & Francisco, Jason, front row - Damon, Annie & Kandus, Bart, LuJean & Emily, Andrea & Charlie, Payton)
bart-kids (Nathan, Bart, Desiree)
frederick-anna marie (1st photo - Frederick Cunico 2nd photo - Anna Marie Bohn & Frederick Cunico)
antonio-nathalina (Antonio Modesto Cunico & Nathalina Eleanora Bianchi)
angeline-orfeo (1st photo - Angeline Cunico 1896-1950, 2nd photo - Orfeo Rigoni, Angeline Cunico, Arnold, Lillian Rigoni)
ambrogine-frank (1st photo - Ambrogine "Ellen" Cunico 1897-1966, 2nd photo - Frank Gheller & Ambrogine "Ellen" Cunico on wedding day 5 Aug 1916)
ambrogine-wedding - Ambrogine's wedding photo
frida-frederick-family (back row - Frederick Cunico, Frida Bohn, Anna Marie Bohn Cunico, fron trow - Antoinette Cunico, Albert Paul Cunico, Jeanette Cunico)
Chuck's Family
Bill's Family
Tom's Family
Bob's Family
Barth's Family


Charles Cunico Family (Chuck)

(Ron & Angie, John & Linda, LuJean & Bart, Bob & Ronna, Jeff & Lora)


William Cunico Family (Bill)

Jim, Mike, Pat, Bill, Barry, Don


Thomas Cunico Family (Tom)

Tom, Dave, June holding Randy


Robert Cunico Family (Bob)

Lois, Bob holding Steve


Barth Phillip Cunico Family (Sr.)

Barth holding Julie, Vicki, Chris, Barth (Jr.), Elsie holding Debbie



Fortunato Cunico Family Pictures

fortunato1 -  Fortunato Cunico
fortunato2 - Anna Marie Bohn & Fortunato (Ferdinand/Frederick) Cunico
fortunato3 - (bottom) Antionette, Albert Paul, Jeanette (top) Frederick, Frida, Anna Marie Bohn Cunico



All pictures below were supplied by Mary Ellen Allen

Mary Ellen1 - Dennis Doll, Melina Saxman, Kathy Ferrara Doll, Denice Doll Saxman, and Joel Saxman
Mary Ellen2 - Adeline Gheller Cvengros, Mary Ellen Doll Allen, and Gary Cvengros
Mary Ellen3 - Mary Ellen Allen and Guy Allen
Mary Ellen4 - Mary and daughter Mykalyn
Mary Ellen5 - Mary Ellen and son Jordan
Mary Ellen6 - Jordan and fiancé Ashlie Platton
Mary Ellen7 - Couger, Mary Ellen, Adeline Gheller Cvengros, Gary Cvengros, Karen Cvengros, and Hunter
Mary Ellen8 - Nathaline Gheller and Sherman Doll (abt 1944)
Mary Ellen9 - Frank Gheller, Ambrogine Cunico Gheller, Adeline and Nathaline (abt 1930)
Mary Ellen10 - Nathaline, Adeline, Frank Gheller and Ambrogine Cunico Gheller,  (abt 1937)
Mary Ellen11 - Nathaline and Adeline Gheller





Giuseppe Cunico Family

Cecilia1 - Cecilia Cunico Straccia
Cecilia2 - Giuseppe & Maria Cunico





Orfeo Rigoni - Angeline Cunico Family

Pictures  were provided by granddaughters (and sisters) Coreen Compton and Doreen Severin.

Coreen1 - Arnold and Kathryn Rigoni
Coreen2 - Frank Kalliomaa, Frank Gheller and Chris Cunico
Coreen3 - Lillian Rigoni Bielas
Coreen4 - Omero Rigoni
Coreen5 - Grandma Rigoni's family
Coreen6 - Rigoni, Bielas & Kalliomaa families circa 1958
Coreen7 - Rigoni and Gheller families
Coreen8 - Angeline Cunico Rigoni
Coreen9 - Angeline Cunico Rigoni
Coreen10 - Arnold David Rigoni circa 1918
Coreen11 - Kathryn, Arnold and Donna Jean RIgoni circa 1942
Coreen12 - top (l to r) Arnold, Angeline, Lillian - bottom Omero, Elvira circa 1933-1934
Coreen13 - Omero (Omar) and Elvira (Vera)
Coreen14 - Orfeo Rigoni
Doreen1 - A four generation picture of Doreen's family when they were in Ironwood. (l to r) Great-Grandmother Kathryn Rigoni, Grandmother Doreen Severin, Father Mark Severin, Daughter Alicia Severin
Doreen2  - Arnold & Kathyryn Rigoni 1991
Doreen3 - Adeline Gheller
Doreen4 - Arnold's sister Elvira & his wife Kathryn Gloria Tomlanovich
Doreen5 - Arnold Rigoni w/Doreen 5 years old
Doreen6 - Arnold Rigony Army pic 1943-1945
Doreen7 - Doreen 2 years old
Doreen8 - Arnold, Kathyryn and Doreen
Doreen9 - Arnold Rigoni and daughter Doreen - 26 May 1962
Doreen10 - Natheline -Gheller - Lake Gogebic
Doreen11 - Jul 1990 Arnold w/sister Lillian Bielas and brother Omero
Doreen12 - Arnold's sister Elvira and his brother Omero
Doreen13 - Andy & Lori Severin Dehler, Adeline Cvengoos (Gheller), Arnold Rigoni, Coreen Rigoni Compton, Doreen Rigoni Severin
Doreen14 - Arnold 15 Nov 1995 - loved to hunt
Doreen15 - Arnold loved to fish 10 Jun 1956
Doreen16 - The Ghellers






All pictures below were supplied by Ezio Cunico

Ezio1 - Ezio & Dora in the University Park in Durham, North Carolina
Ezio2 - Hernan Cunico & my brother Chris and me (Barth)
Ezio3 - Hernan Cunico
Ezio4 - Hernan's son Kevin on his 2nd b-day 23 Sep 2005
Ezio5 - Ezio, Florindo, Florinda, Alberto - Feb 1956
Ezio6 - Giuseppe (Jose - Ezio's Father), Lissie (Elizabeth - Ezio's Mother), Hernan (1 Year old)
Ezio7 - Giuseppe's brothers (Luigi, Ferdinando, Augusto) - abt. 1929
Ezio8 - Ferdinanda Cunico (Ezio's cousin), Luigi Gaetano Cunico (Ezio's Nono), Giuseppina (Ezio's Nona) - Asiago abt. 1948
Ezio9 - Ernesto (Giuseppe's brother) - abt. Feb 1947
Ezio10 - Augusto - Giuseppe's brother - abt. 1944
Ezio11 - Robert (son of Ezio's cousin), Pablo, Robert's daughters - Lauren (1993), Alyssa (1994), Nicole (1996) - Orlando, FL
Ezio12 - Guido (Alessandro's Father- cousin of Giuseppe) abt. 1950 - Milano
Ezio13 - Giuseppina & Luigi (Ezio's Aunt & Uncle) at the marriage of Louis S. Cunico & Roseann McGovern 19 Nov 1960. Note from Louise Schwaegler: I looked at this picture and thought I know those people!  They are brother and sister, and I and my family were most likely at that wedding.  Florence Wire is the woman you see over Giuseppina's right shoulder.  Giuseppina's brother Luigi (we called them Pina and Louie) owned a tavern on Grand Avenue in Chicago back in the late 1930's. We knew Augusto as well.



All pictures below were supplied by Paolo Cunico

Paolo1 - (l to r) Janette, Silvia, Sara & Paolo



All pictures below were supplied by Alessio Cunico

Alessio1 - Alessio & Laura - son of Aldo Cunico


All pictures below were supplied by Aldo Cunico

Aldo1 - Aldo & Alessandro
Aldo2 - Aldo & Maria Domenica
Aldo3 - Aldo's family



All pictures below were supplied by Omar Cunico - Argentina

Omar1 - Omar, Melani, Maria, Mabel, Nadir & Carlos



All pictures below were supplied by Dennis Keizer - California

Dennis1 - Dennis sailing



All pictures below were supplied by Jean-Robert Dal Sasso (France)

John-Robert1 - Gaetana (Cunico) Dal Sasso
John-Robert2 - Giovanni Matteo Dal Sasso



Vicki Andreotti (Sacramento)

Vicki Andreotti1 - Vicki Andreotti - daughter of Antonia (Toni) Cunico



Denise and Georges J (Giorgio) Cunico were the children of Giovanni Battista Francesco Cunico (1898) & Lucia Rigon.

All pictures below were supplied by Marina (daughter of Denise Cunico).

Marina1 - Marina & groom in Celtic attire
Marina2 - Marina (Mina) and her mother Denise Cunico



All pictures below were found on the web site of Alessia (Dario's house guest from Italia)

Dario1 - (standing - l to r) guest from Italia, Julia, Karen, guest from Italia (seated) Dario, (on floor)  David, Christopher



All pictures below were supplied by Crist Cunico (Sopris, CO/Petaluma, CA)

Crist1 - Crist's Uncle Joe
Crist2 - California Crist (Crist Donald) himself
Crist3 - (l to r) Crist Karl, Christina, Nora, Lisa, Sandra & Crist Donald
Crist4 - photo from 1932 (Cucharis Camp) - (l to r) Gio Batta (Nonno), Angelo (Uncle), Earnie Lira, Louis (aka Binda - Uncle), John Ferri (Uncle), Crist (Dad), Felix Lira (Uncle): In front of Binda - Metro Morgan (Uncle)



Reno Cunico Family

Reno1 - Cristiano Cunico - died 1918
Reno2 - Reno & Joan Cunico




Francesco Cunico Family - pictures provided by David John Cunico

David1 - David John, Jennifer & Nicholas
David2 - L to R - David N. & Gail (Dave's parents), Phyllis Cunico (Trodden), Nicholas & Irene Cunico
David3 - David's Grandfather Nicholas


Attilio Cunico Family

The following pictures were provided by Louise Schwaegler

Louise1 - Louise (Benetazzo) Schwaegler (daughter of Angeline Cunico) and Caterina Rigoni
Louise2 - Back Row l to r - Louise, Emilia, Front Row -
Ada's brother?? & Vittorio Bruschi
Louise3 - Attilio & Luigia
Louise4 - Ada's brother??, Vittorio & Emilia
Louise5 - Leda Barbierato, Nadia Stella, my husband Dave, Caterina Rigoni, and
Louise6 -
Nadia, Louise, Caterina, Leda, and a woman named Elda Rodeghiero
Louise7 - Cemetery in Asiago - headstone for Rina (top) her mother Orsola (middle), and her brother Antonio (bottom)
Louise8 -
Attilio's sister Rina, her husband Antonio, and their son Andrino.
- Rina is standing next to Luigia in the top row.  Don't know the rest.
Louise10 -
Luigia, Irma, Rina, Angeline (my mother), Orsola (Attilio's mother)
Louise12 - In this wedding picture of my parents, the woman next to my mother is Lillian Munari, Giovanni's daughter.  The girl to the far left is Florence Weir, and the young man to the far right is my uncle Ottilio.
Louise13 - These are pictures taken from August, 1933.  My mother tells me that all these people would hike up Mt. Ortigara.  Rina is in the center of the picture.  Luigia is in the top row, the farthest female to the right.  I believe Irma is standing on the far left.  My mother is standing near the top row, the only female with a bandana in her hair.  I don't know any of the other people, but maybe you'll recognize someone from your family!! Also, as an aside, Caterina Rigoni, whose picture I sent from my visit to Asiago, has to be very close to my mother's age.  I wonder if she's the girl reclining in the front row.....
Louise14 - In 1968, Attilio & Luigia, along with Fortunata (Florence's mother) went to Asiago to see his mother. In this picture, Antonio is kneeling in the first row, next to Attilio, and then there is Nadia.  With Nadia is Maurizio and their two children.  Behind her little boy is Fortunata and behind her is Ada (from Milan)  Behind Attilio is Emilia (Beatrice).  Behind and to the right of Luigia is her brother Vittorio, who married Emilia.  I'm thinking the man directly behind Ada is her husband, and I have no idea who the last couple is.


The following picture was provided by Brian Schwaegler:

Brian-Schwaegler1 - Louise Schwaegler comments, You can call this photo "Thanksgiving oysters and clams - an annual tradition at our house". 

The following pictures were provided by Ottilio Cunico:

Ottilio1 - Ottilio and his family at Attilio's 50th wedding anniversary, in 1970.  His wife, Mary Jane, and children, David, Barbara, Janine, Timothy, Richard.
Ottilio2 - Ottilio's family July of 2008

Adrino Cunico

Adrino1 - This picture is of Adrino Cunico. Adrino2 is the back of this picture. Both were supplied by Louise Schwaegler of the MICHIEL1 Branch.
Adrino2 - Back of horse picture



The pictures below were supplied by Mandie Lehman (daughter of Amelio Cunico)

Mandie1 - Oakleigh, Mandie holding Ava (daughter of Aaron), Bailey
Mandie2 -
(l to r) Oakleigh, Mandie's nephew Beckman (son of Aaron), Amelio holding Ava, Bailey
Mandie3 - (top row l to r) Alana, Aaron, Amelio, Melanie, Mandie (front row) Oakleigh, Bailey w/hand on Beckman's shoulder



The pictures below were supplied by Kathy (wife of Rick Cunico)

Richard-Kathy1 - Kathy, Cody, Jessica. Cody's prom 12 Apr 2008



The pictures below were supplied by Tiffany Cunico Hanson (daughter of Rick Cunico, granddaughter of Ottilio)

Tiffany1 -Mary Jane and Ottilio
Tiffany2 - Ottilio and Tiffany
Tiffany3 - Tiffany and Mary Jane
Tiffany4 - Mary Jane and (Travis or Brendan??)
Tiffany5- Tiffany, Ottilio and ??
Tiffany6 -??, Mary Jane & Tiffany



The picture below was supplied by Mark Cunico (son of Frank Cunico, grandson of Francesco)

Mark1 -Dominic Cunico, Mary Cunico, Giovann Johanna Basso Cunico, Francesco Cunico (Frank), Nicholas Cunico, Francesco Cunico



The pictures below were supplied by Miche Khoury

Miche1 - Andreina Giovanna Cunico and Frederick Joseph Khoury



The pictures below were supplied by Morena - wife of Gian Paolo Cunico

Gian Paolo1 - Antonio Cunico, Marina Moserle and Luca Cunico
Gian Paolo2 -
"festa scuola dell'infanzia" - Paolo Cunico, Morena Zoppi, Davide Cunico, Anna Guazzo, Luca Cunico and Marina Moserle
Gian Paolo3 -
"Gardaland" - Paolo Cunico, Morena Zoppi and Davide Cunico


The picture below was supplied by Marina Bianchi

Marina Bianchi1 - Marina



Antonio 4 Family Pictures

The pictures below were supplied by Antonio Cunico (Tony) - Vicenza

Tony1 - (l to r) Lorenz, Lucia, Paola & Antonio (Tony)
Tony2 - (l to r) Valeria, Bruna & Ettore Cunico
Tony3 - Tony's family
Tony4 - Ettore's family (l to r) Rosa, Stefano, Piva, Lucilla, Ettore, Abramo
Tony5 - Ettore and Bruna Basso
Tony6 - Ettroe & Bruna's family
Tony7 - Ettroe & Bruna's family
Tony8 - Bruna, Antonio, Giuliana, VAleria & Renato
Tony9 -
Tony10 -



Bortolo 1 Family Pictures

Enrico Cunico Family Photos (Enrico - Rotzo)

Vittorio Luigi Nicolo Cunico & Maria Stefani



Vittorio Luigi Nicolo Cunico Family Photos

The photo below is from Bruna Cunico Grotemeyer's web: (

bruna-g1 - Bruna Cunico Grotemeyer


Massimino Cunico Family Photos

          Massimino Cunico



All photos below were furnished by Benito (Benjamin or Ben) Cunico - Singapore.

Ben's Father - William Cunico

Ben1 - Ben's family - Adam, Ben, Margaret, Kane)
Ben2 - Mateo, Maude & Ben
Ben3 - William Cunico Family - Louis, Victoria, Evelyn (UK), Benito (Ben), Gloria (Perth), Julie & Angeline
Ben4 - Sister Joyce & Husband Rod in Gold Coast Australia
Ben5 - Retirement letter for William Cunico
Ben6 - Ben's Aunt Luigia (William's Sister)
Ben7 - Get together for Vian and Maude Cunico from Sydney Australia
Ben8 - Godfather Mateo Cunico with son Vian on left - Sydney, Australia
Ben9 - Colin Attias Mattos, (son-in-law), Marina (Mateo's daughter), Mateo, Joyce (Ben's sister)
Ben10 - Ben's sister Victoria's family -  Dino, Sean, Victoria, Guzzi (husband), Tate (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Ben11 - Margaret, Ben's Mom Ann, & Ann's 2nd husband Malcom Norfor
Ben12 - Ben, Ann, Louis
Ben13 - Ben & Louis
Ben14- Ben on his horse "Tom" in 1982
Ben15 - seated - Aunt Dora Keasberry, half sister of William (husband is Mother's brother Alfie), standing - Angeline, Marina, Margaret & Ann
Ben16 - Lisa, Karen & Ben
Ben17 - Luke, cousin Sandra & Lisa


All photos below were furnished by Vian Cunico - Australia.

Vian1 - Henry Cunico
Vian2 - Matteo Cunico age 35 (Mathew)
Vian3 - Matteo Cunico
Vian4 - WWII accommodation for Matteo Cunico



All photos below were furnished by Lou (Nash) Cunico - Singapore.

Lou1 - Lou (Louis Geoffrey) Cunico



The following photo was provided by Katherine Jones

Katherine1 - Andrew Cunico and Angelina Speeze, my grandparents and parents to Patricia, David, and Dick Cunico of Salida, Colorado. Next to the Bride is Annie Cunico, sister to Andrew.
Katherine2 - My Uncle, David Cunico, second from left, and his son, Dave Cunico, third from left. The remaining are son and daughters/ grandchildren of Patricia Cunico (parents are Andrew Cunico and Angelia Speeze). Salida, Colorado


All photos below were furnished by Lisa A. Cunico - Singapore.

Lisa1 - Lisa playing soduko on her trip to Bali
Lisa2 - the "Lisa" shop
Lisa3 - just Lisa




Peter Cunico Family - Australia

Peter1 - Anita, Marisa, Angelina, Roberto, Pietro (Peter)



Renzo Cunico Family - Australia

Renzo1 - Carlo Cunico
Renzo2 - Renzo Cunico



Fedele Cunico's Family


Gino1 - Gino Cunico
Gino2 - Anthony Cunico
Gino3 - Gino Cunico
Gino4 - Nick Cunico  & wife Megan



The following photos were furnished by Zsolt Szathmary - Budapest.

Zsolt1 - 2009 - Zsolt Szathmary from Budapest, Hungary and Luciana Cunico Pavone (photo taken at the CUNICO Bakery in Asiago)
Zsolt2 -
1940 - Maria Cunico and her son's family: left to right: unknown, Laubál Margit (Zsolt's nonna), Ijjász Zsuzsanna (Zsolt's mother), Maria Cunico (Zsolt's bisnonna), Ijjász Ferenc (Zolt's nonno)
Zsolt3 -
1890 -  Family of  Modesto Cunico - back: Maria and  Domenico; front: Elisabetta,  Cristina Rigoni, holding Hermina, Caterina , Modesto Cunico holding Rosalia, Guseppe
Zsolt4 - Modesto's tombstone in Budapest



The following photos were furnished by Erika Lovas - Hungary (daughter of Erika Egervari, granddaughter of Erzsebet  Cunico.

Erika-Lovas1 - 1915 - famiglia di Giuseppe - Giuseppe Cunico, Terézia Köcse, Erzsébet, Krisztina, Ilona
Erika-Lovas2 - abt. 1888 - famiglia di Modesto
Erika-Lovas3 -
1918 - figli di Giuseppe - Erzsébet, Ilona, Krisztina
Erika-Lovas4 -
1929 - figli di Giuseppe - Ilona, Erzsébet, Krisztina
Erika-Lovas5 - 1944 (Cuginette) - Gabriella Lux, Erika Egervári, Éva Mészáros



The following photo was provided by Judit Cunico (wife of Andras) - Budapest, Hungary


judit1 - Domenico Cunico - son of Modesto




ANTONIO3 Family Pictures

Sonia Cunico Family - UK

Sonia1 - Sonia Cunico



Vanda Cunico Family

Vanda1 - Davide Cunico's family during grape harvest (Arciso, Elsa, Bruno e Daria)
Vanda2 - Vanda Cunico
Vanda3 - (l to r) Giulio, Vanda, Enzo, Claudia


Gigliola Cunico Family

Gigliola1 - Giglioli Cunico
Gigliola2- Fiorella Cunico e l'altra che corrisponde a fiorella e tonino cunico



Luiz Arnoldo Cunico Family

Luiz Arnoldo1 - Names?
Luiz Arnoldo2 - Names?
Luiz Arnoldo3 - Names?




Tonino Cunico Family

Tonino1 - Tonino's family
Tonino2 - Tonino's family (bottom row l to r) Tonino e Silvana (top row l to r Marta, Francesca e Lara)


Antonio Cunico & Orsola Rigoni Family

All photos below were furnished by Clovis Boguszewski (Curitiba, Parana Brasile)

Clovis1 - Tonino's family



Antonio Cunico & Orsola Rigoni Family

The pictures below were supplied by Marcos Antonio Cunico - Curitiba, Brazil

marcos-antonio1 - Family of Marcos Antonio (Mother-Joanita Lucy, Father-Divoncir, Sister-Margarete
marcos-antonio2 - Marcos himself



Antonio Bortolo Cunico & Maria Bortoli Family

The pictures below were supplied by Antonella Cunico Zanettini

Antonella1 - Family of Antonella Cunico
Antonella2 - Antonio Bortolo Cunico, who is sitting; on the right, standing, my aunt Elsa,; on the left, standing my father Arciso, four years old; then my uncle Bruno, and uncle Davide. Last, on the left standing my grand mother Maria Bortoli.



Domenico10 Family Pictures

All photos below were furnished by Pierina Cunico

Pierina1 - Gaetano Cunico
Pierina2 - Gino Cunico
Pierina3 - Silvano Cunico
Pierina4 - Valerio Cunico
Pierina5 - Pierina and Ernesto




All photos below were furnished by Mario Cunico - Varese

Mario1 - Mario and Roberta
Mario2 - Lisa, Roberta and Alexia





Isabelli is from Brazil

Isabelli1 - Isabelli Cunico





All photos below were furnished by Vanderleia Teresinha Cunico

Iraci1 - Iraci Cunico, Ana Provensi Cunico, Julio Pagel de Moura and Cassia Pagel de Moura



All photos below were furnished by John Cunico

John1 - John Cunico, wife Laurel, sister Gabriella




All photos below were furnished by Silvia Cunico-Grotto


Silvia1 - Silvia's father Giovanni Battista (Ninin)




Giacomo 1 Family Pictures


All pictures below were supplied by Maria Pia Cunico

MariaPia1 - Maria Pia writes - the picture shows  my family vault constructed by my father Nino 25 years ago in the cemetery of Asiago




All pictures below were supplied by Andrea Cunico

Andrea1 - Andrea's daughter Martina with Spitz Verle (mountain at north Altopiano di Asiago) in background.
Andrea2 - Family of Andrea Cunico (Cunico-Jegary) - ASIAGO, Via Monte Ortigara (1939?): Andrea Cunico n. 1891, Domenica Casagrande, Giovanni Battista Cunico, Biaggio "Gino" Cunico, Sofia Cunico




All pictures below were supplied by Bruna Cunico

Bruna1 - Bruna Cunico
Bruna2 - Bruna is the one with the green fun dress on the right




All pictures below were supplied by Rosanna McFarlin

Rosanna-McFarlin1 - Family of Domenico Cristiano Rodeghiero and Barbarina Cunico
Rosanna-McFarlin2 - Domenico Cristiano Rodeghiero (Nikel soprannome)




Photo supplied by Davide Marchesini

Lucrezia1 - Lucrezia's 80th B-day (standing) Antonio, Tiziana, Emilia,Davide, Giuliana, (sitting) Mom Lucrezia, Giovanna and Dad Angelo.




Photo supplied by Stefania Cunico (Vicenza)

Stefania-Vicenza1 - Rina, Dina, Ida and Giovanni in Asiago
Stefania-Vicenza2 - Giovanni and Ida
Stefania-Vicenza3 - Giovanni
Stefania-Vicenza4 - Ida Bisazza
Stefania-Vicenza5 - Bellino (Nino), Rina holding Gian Mario,Elda, Giovanni, Gianna Bonomo and Dina
Stefania-Vicenza6 - Gian Mario Cunico and his sister Remigia Cunico
Stefania-Vicenza7 - Gian Mario Cunico and Marisa Tiso
Stefania-Vicenza8 - Stefania Cunico



Photo supplied by Enrica Marchi Cunico, wife of Giovanni, son of Bellino

Gio-Bellino1 - Gio Bellino Giovanni Cunico
Gio-Bellino2 - Vittorio Cunico
Gio-Bellino3 - Paola Maria Pia Cunico
Gio-Bellino4 - Dr. Bellino Cunico (Nino)
Gio-Bellino5 - Nino, Laura, Pia and Maria Pia
Gino-Bellino6 - Attilio Cunico's headstone
Gino-Bellino7 - Caterina (Rina)
Gino-Bellino8 - Teresa (Resy)
Gino-Bellino9 - Maria
Gino-Bellino10 - Henny



MODESTO3 Family Pictures

Claudia Cunico Family

Claudia1 - (l to r) Claudia, Gabriel, Valerie, Tobias Schulze



Riccardo Cunico Family

Riccardo1 - Riccardo Cunico





Carlos Alberto Creato Family (Brazil)

Carlos1 - (l to r) Ilaria Cunico, Carlos Alberto, Sueli, Rodrigo Fillio, Luciana Cunico, Angelo Cunico
Carlos2 - Carlos & Tatiana
Carlos3 - Tatiana & Sueli
Carlos4 - Rodrigo Creato, Tatiana & Patrizia (Rodrigo's future wife)
Carlos5 - Family of Albino Angelo Creato (back row l to r) Emilia, Sestiglia, Giuseppe, Dosolina, Giuseppina. (front row l to r) Aparecida, Elena, Luigi, Albino Angelo Creato (Grandfather of Carlos), Francesco (Father of Carlos), Antonia Cunico (Grandmother of Carlos), Lourdes, Maria & Teresa.



Fabio Joao Cunico Family (Brazil)

The pictures below were supplied by Brunynha (Bruna) Cunico, daughter of Fabio Joao

Fabio1 - Valeria Cunico & husband Claudinei Teato
Fabio2 - Brandina Liete Cunico (wife of Antonio Cunico)
Fabio3 - Maria, Diogo, Gustavo & Sergio Cunico
Fabio4 - Erika Cunico
Fabio5 - Ariane Teato (daughter of Valeria Cunico)
Fabio6 - Gustavo Cunico
Fabio7 - Bruna Cunico
Fabio8 - Fabio Cunico,Bruna Cunico,Gustavo Sergio Cunico
Fabio9 - Ariane Cristina Teato & Bruna Cunico
Fabio10 - Gustavo Cunico & Érika Cunico



Angelo Cunico Family (Vicenza)

Angelo1 - Miriam & Angelo with the Indaiatuba Municipal Police
Angelo2 - Antonia Cunico & Albino Creato
Angelo3 - Angelo Cunico & Sarra Adele
Angelo4 - Jose Cunico
Angelo5 - Romano Cunico Family - Helena Cunico, Maria Cunico, Romano Cunico, ??, (the mother of Catarina, I don´t remember her name), Catarina Christe, ?, Terezinha Cunico and Neila
Angelo6 - Miriam's wedding
Angelo7 - Angelo, ??, Luciana, Jamil, Miriam
Angelo8 - Angelo Cunico's passport
Angelo9 - Antonio Cunico & Rosa Dal Toso family
Angelo10 - Angela Cunico 1872
Angelo11 - Ida Cunico Tassetto, Adelina Cunico Quaranta, Michella Tassetto, Michella's husband, Gianna & Angelo
Angelo12 - Angelo & Maria Teresa Cunico in Roma
Angelo13 - Angelo & Luciana in Pompei
Angelo14 - Valeria Cunico, Mario Bossolan, Teresighna Cunico, Ianaina, Lilian Arruda & ??
Angelo15 - Miriam's wedding
Angelo16 - Miriam's wedding
Angelo17 - Angelo's military photos: l to r - Brigata Yulia, Sappada Belluno 1962
Angelo18 - Oreste Cunico & Emilia Giacomin (Angelo's parents)
Angelo19 - Riccardo Addeo, Ilaria, Luciana & Angelo
Angelo20 - Marietta (Maria) Cunico (Capivari, Brazil) and her spouse Felicio Triosque
Angelo21 - Cunico's - Capivari, Brazil (l to r) Erika, Diogo, Bruna, Gustavo, Angelo, Ariana
Angelo22 - Miriam & Luciana in Manhattan Kansas
Angelo23 - Angelo & Luciana in Manhattan Kansas
Angelo24 - Gianluca Guttirrez b. 21 Jun 2006
Angelo25 - Jamil Guttirrez and Luciana in Manhattan Kansas
Angelo26 - Angelo & Lorenzo (Ilaria's son)
Angelo27 - Gianluca (Miriam's son) and Lorenzo (Ilaria's son)
Angelo28 - Wedding of Flora Cunico - family of Antonio Beria and Maria Cunico (Masny France).Maria was born in 1901 in Capivari Stato di San Paolo - Brasil.
Angelo29 - Gianluca, Miriam, Lorenzo, Ilaria
Angelo30 - Gianluca
Angelo31 - Miriam e Gianluca
Angelo 32 - Loranzo e Ilaria
Angelo33 - Miriam, Luciana, Ilaria, Angelo



Lilian Arruda's family (Brazil)

Lilian-Arruda1 - Lilian's grandmother Terezinha Cunico
Lilian-Arruda2 - 1 Maria de Lurdes daughter of Maria Cunico Barros (aunt, Ana Paula),2-Mary Cunico daughter of Lazaro José Cunico (granddaughter of Cataria Cunico and Romano),3-Marcia and Carlos Barros (son of Maria Cunico Barros),Ana Paula Barros(you know),Maria Rosa Bossolan Arruda, my mother (daughter of Terezinha cunico) and Maria Eliza Barros,Mother of Ana Paula Wife of Luis Alberto Barros (son of Mary Cunico)



Adolfo Cunico Family

Betty Jane 1 - Adolph, Betty Jane, Annabelle
Betty Jane 2 - Uncle Chuck (LuJean’s father) and Adolph
Betty Jane 3 - Adolph, Annabelle, Betty Jane & Rosalie
Betty Jane 4 - Annabelle, Richard, Rosalie, Adolph, Douglas, & Duane
Betty Jane 5 - Annabelle, Betty Jane, Adolph, Rosalie
Betty Jane 6 - (7-20-70) – Adolph, Mike, Jim Cunico – Taos New Mexico in front of “the Sleeping Boy” which Mike & his brother owned.
Betty Jane 7 - (7-4-30) - Ercole, Anthony & Adolph Cunico
Betty Jane 8 (8-13-38) – Angeliana, Anthony & Rosalie Ann



Domenico Cunico (1844) Family

The pictures below were supplied by Daniele Cunico of Asiago

Daniele1 - Daniele - Monte Verena, behind there is Monte Portule
Daniele2 - (l to r) Marcello (1912), Domenico (1884), Egidio (1950), Daniele (1976)
Daniele3 - Daniele Cunico in Monte Similaun
Daniele4 - (l to r) Daniele, Claudio (1948), Stefano (1974), Domenico (1946), Egidio (1950)


Antonio Cunico - Cristina Rigoni Family

Ida1 - Ida Cunico
Ida2 - Andrea Cunico's family



Francesco Cunico (1892) Family

The pictures below were supplied by Francesca Cunico of Villafranca di Verona

Cleuza1 - Cleuza, Swyan Katlyn, Claudinei & Erik
Cleuza2 - Claudette & family
Cleuza3 - Erik, Swyan & Katlyn
Cleuza4 - Clairton Cunico
Cleuza5 -
Claudette & Brenda
Cleuza6 - Claudio Cunico con i suoi bimbi


The pictures below were supplied by Claire Lucia Cunico of Caxias do Sul - Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Claire-Lucia1 - Claire Lucia Cunico




The pictures below were supplied by Julia Ann Moretti - Australia

Julia Moretti - Julia Ann Moretti







Gabriella1 - Nicolo Cunico & Antonia Frigo & family
Gabriella2 - Nicolo & Antonia



The pictures below were supplied by Paul Cunico of Australia

Paul1 - Paul Cunico



The pictures below were supplied by Janelle Cunico Duncan - Australia

Janelle1 - Cathy (Janelle's Mom), Janelle, John Duncan, John Cunico (Janelle's Dad)

The pictures below were supplied by Daniele Cunico of Asiago

Daniele1 - Daniele & Ide
Daniele2 - Daniele's son Oscar Cunico
Daniele3 - Daniele's son Mauro



The pictures below were supplied by Nicole Cunico Infanti (daughter of Nicolo)

Nicole1 - Nicolo & Betty (wedding  in 1946)
Nicole2 - 1951 before leaving for Venezuela (top row l to r) Antonia, Domenico, Rosa, Nicolo, French grandmother Jeanne, friend (bottom row) Bruno (Nicole on shoulders),
Maria Antonietta, French Uncle Jean Claude (Betty taking picture).
Nicole3 -
Nicole's family in Miami 2004 - My son Daniel is holding the Champagne, my daughter Samy is under him. I am the with the glasses (spectacles, holding my mom). My husband is sit. The other persons are my mother in Law, my sister in Law and my nephew Eddy
Nicole4 - 2nd in set
Nicole5 - Nicole Infanti in France with her cousin Pierre Lambert and his wife
Nicole6 - Nicole with Pierre's son








Bortolo Cunico & Orsolina Rodeghiero Family

The pictures below were supplied by Claude Barthelemy Cunico (France)

Claude1 - Top: (l to r) Domenico, Domenica, Claude Bottom: Reneitte, Flore
Claude2 - Domenica
Claude3 - Domenico & Domenica
Claude4 - Domenico
Claude5 - Claude Barthelemy Cunico
Claude6 - Lise (Frydman) Cunico
Claude7 - Claude Barthelemy Cunico





Domenico Cunico & Giovanna Grendene Family

Gabriel1 - 1.Jean Pierre, 2.Santo Gabriel, 3.Bernard, 4.Jacqueline, 5.Christine, 6.Gabriel Andre, 7.Marie Madeleine, 8.Francois Alfred, 9.Klara, 10.Clair Gabriele, 11.Marguerite
Gabriel2 - Domenico Cunico (Gabriel Andre's grandfather)
Gabriel3 - Madeline Cunico - daughter of Domenico Cunico
Gabriel4 - Antoine Cunico - son of Domenico Cunico




Domenico2 Family Pictures

Francisco Cunico & Virginia Ghisleri Family Photos

The pictures below were supplied by Debbie Cunico

Debbie1 - Francisco Cunico
Debbie2 - Virginia Ghisleri Cunico
Debbie3 - Gentile Cunico da Silva
Debbie4 - Otelo Harvey Paim da Silva
Debbie5 - Ângelo, Zenaide, Ida, Gentile, Arina e Dite (Judite)



Bertulino Cunico Family

The pictures below were supplied by Lauzinha da Silva

lauzinha1 - Lauzinha's grandfather Bertulino
lauzinha2 - Lauzina's grandmother Rosa Siquiera
lauzinha3 - Lauzina's Aunt Jandira
lauzinha4 - Lauzinha's great grandfather Jose Cunico





Giuseppe Cunico & Maria Forte Family Photos

Bortolo2-1 - Bortolo Cunico of the Cornola branch. (1837-1910 con la divisa Garibaldina, la via Garibaldi si chiama cosě perché Bortolo abitava lě)
Bortolo2-2 - Giuseppe Cunico's family (Cunico Giuseppe figlio di Cunico Bortolo con la sua famiglia)
Bortolo2-3 - not sure who they are?


Maria Cunico & Pietro Carli Family

The pictures below were supplied by Jo Phillips (Ohio)

jo1 - Joe's paternal Grandmother Teresa Soraruf in 1908
jo2 - Teresa's 90th B-Day in 1983. Jo's Father (John Perlberg) is 2nd from left
jo3 - Joellyn Perlberg Phillips, husband Bob and her father-in-law



This picture was provided by Emanuele Pavone - son of Luciana Cunico - CUNICO Bakery in Asiago


emanuele1 - Emanuele Pavone and his mother Luciana Cunico




Vittorio Cunico & Felicini Marcia Family Photos

Gerardo1 - Gerardo Cunico is the 2nd from the left



Beniamino1 Family Pictures

GioBatta Cunico & Teresa Danza Family

Michele1 - Adolfo Cunico & Maria Pia's family with children & grandchildren
Michele2 - Adolfo Cunico & Maria Pia with children



Antonio6 Family Pictures

Antonio Cunico - Giudetta Muzzolon Family

Gianluca1 - Giovanni Cunico & Elena Maria Morando
Gianluca2 - Emma Cunico
Gianluca3 - Giovanni Cunico & Elena Maria Morando
Gianluca4 - (l) Giuseppe (r) Giuseppe, Giuseppina & Elena
Gianluca5 - Giuseppe Cunico (Gianluca's Father)
Gianluca6 - Giuseppe Cunico (Gianluca's Father)
Gianluca7 - Pietrina (Giuseppe's Mother)
Gianluca8 - wedding pic - Valeria (Gianluca's wife), Elena (Gianluca's Grandmother) & Gianluca
Gianluca9 - wedding pic - Giuseppe, Valeria, Gianluca & Pietrina
Gianluca10 - Gianluca and Matilde
Gianluca11 - Gianluca, Valeria and Matilde
Gianluca12 - Matilde Cunico



Antonio7 Family Pictures


Antonio Cunico - Maria Fraccaro Family

Francesca1 - Francesca's parents (Roberto & Maria) in London
Francesca2 - Francesca Cunico (Villafranca di Verona)



Antonio Cunico - Leonilde Bazzani Family

Pictures provided by Ilaria from Parma

Ilaria1 - Giulia & Ilaria



Antonio6 Family Pictures


Giovanni Battista Cunico & Teresa Danza Family

Marie-Pierre1 - Mario Cunico & family (France)



Stefano Cunico &  Vereconda Bonvicini Family

Raffele1 - Zeno Cunico - son of Raffaele Cunico & Caterina Cherubin



Severino Cunico & Therese Grinfan Family

Magali lives in Sweden. Her father is Gino Cunico

Magali1 - Magali (on left) and friend



Giuseppe1 Family Pictures


Gianni Cunico Family

The pictures below were supplied by Massimo Cunico

Gianni1 - Samuele Cunico b. 1869
Gianni2 - Efisia Meres b. 1871
Gianni3 - Giuseppe Cunico b. 1880
Gianni4 - Giuseppe & Clotilde



Giuseppe (Peppino) Cunico Family

The pictures below were supplied by Peppino Cunico

Peppino1 - Enrico, Peppino, Gianna & Antonio
Peppino2 - Francesca, Peppino, Maria & Elio



Jean1 Family Pictures


Francois Cunico Family

The pictures below were supplied by Louise Cunico Micaelli

Louise-Micaelli1 - Louise Cunico Micaelli
Louise-Micaelli2 - Charles Micaelli
Louise-Micaelli3 - Jean Charles Micaelli
Louise-Micaelli4 - Francois Cunico
Louise-Micaelli5 - Marie Josephine Cunico


Jose1 Family Pictures


Paschoal (Pasquale) Cunico Family

The pictures below were supplied by Reinaldo Luiz Cunico

Reinaldo1 - Olivio Cunico b. 23 Mar 1902
Reinaldo2 - Reynaldo Cúnico and Iolanda Melo Cunico
Reinaldo3 - Reinaldo - a baby in 1956
Reinaldo4 - Reinaldo - 14 yrs old
Reinaldo5 - Reinaldo in 2007
Reinaldo6 - Reinaldo in 2008
Reinaldo7 - Reinaldo's grandaughter


The pictures below were supplied by Debora Cunico Delgado

Debora1 - Debora
Debora2 - Debora's daughters Bruna and Rafaella
Debora3 - Debora's mother Wanda Cunico


The pictures below were supplied by Maria Cristina Figueira

Maria Cristina1 - Olivio Cunico
Maria Cristina2 - Olivio Cunico
Maria Cristina3 - Odair & Eduardo Goncalves
Maria Cristina4 - Maria Cunico
Maria Cristina5 - Maria Cristina Figueira and Raphael
Maria Cristina6 - Eduardo Goncalves







Raton Reunion 2004

Most of the "Cunico Cousins"  met for the first time in Raton, New Mexico in the summer of 2004. We gathered again at the Sopris, Colorado reunion in July of 2005. We fondly refer to ourselves as the "Cunico Cousins". Even before we found an actual connection between our lineages, we knew in our hearts we were all cousins!!!!!

Reunion1 - Chris entertaining on his accordion
Reunion2 - LuJean, Chris, Laura
Reunion3 - Crist
Reunion4 - Mary Ann
Reunion5 - Nora (Crist's wife) and Betty Jo
Reunion6 - Margaret (Betty Jo & Mary Ann's Mom)
Reunion7 - Karylyn opening the gate at the Cunico homesteads in Cunico, NM (now Kiowa)
Reunion8 - Chris on the homesteads
Reunion9 - Mary Ann, Chris, & Betty
Reunion10 - Pearl cooking for the clan
Reunion11 - A Raton Library shot (front) Mary Ann & Pearl (back) Karylyn, Lu Jean, Betty Jo, Barth, Chris & Laura




All notes are from Adriana of the Sporting Residence Hotel in Asiago. The rogazione takes place 40 days after Easter. In 2005,  2500 people attended.

Rogazione1 - The rogazione starts at the church in town
Rogazione2 - At the church before the walk and then the service at the end. Half way through the walk at Lazzaretto, Don Antonio has a mass in the woods. Everyone stops for a break and to eat, eggs are given by the women to the men they fancy.
Rogazione3 - It is a walk through Asiago 32km's
Rogazione4 - The hills are covered in dandelion flowers which locals pick before flowering as wild greens.
Rogazione5 - I am with my cousin Marilena at 6.30 am at the beginning of the walk
Rogazione6 - It finishes back at the church for a mass



Adunata Alpini 2006

The following photos of the 2006 Adunata Alpini celebration were supplied by Adriana Longhini.




Adunata8 - too much celebrating


Adunata11 - the invasion of Asiago... sheer madness
Adunata12 - ceremony at the war memorial (Il Sacrario Militare dell'Altopiano di Asiago)
Adunata13 - The president of the A.N.A. ( Associatione Nationale Alpini) Generale Perona and his secretary
Adunata14 - Adriana and her cousin Max Longhini (dressed as a WWI aviator)
Adunata15 - pics 15 & 16 show the Italian pride



Asiago Pictures

Asiago Links

The Official Asiago Web Site is here
LOTS of photos on the Asiago Tourism link can be seen here
Asiago Pictures

Asiago 1 - Pre World War I
Asiago 2 - Post World War II
Asiago 3 - Civic Hall
Asiago 4 - Memorial
Asiago5 - Mt. Verena (supplied by Antonio Cunico - Vicenza)
Asiago6 - Fontana
Asiago7 - Sacario Miliotare at night
Asiago8 - Sacario Miliotare - from front
Asiago9 - Asiago Duomo
Asiago10 - Asiago in October
Asiago11 - Asiago Countryside taken by Andrea Cunico
Asiago12 - Asiago ski lifts
Asiago13 - The Asiago Duomo before WWI
Asiago14 - The Asiago Duomo after WWI
Asiago15 - A photo of the countryside
Asiago16 -
Mount Portule - a favorite with hikers & mountaineers
Asiago17 - looking north towards Austria from Porta Manazzo
Asiago18 - Adriana getting ready to descend Mount Portule
Asiago19 - Caffe Roma (ancestral home of Adriana) & Asiago Municipality
Asiago20 - An older photo of Caffe Roma
Asiago21 - Malga Galmarara



 Last updated 10/16/15 - (c)2007 - Barth Cunico - All rights reserved